[LINK] to FREE resources, organisations and useful information
Collage Workshop _ Teachers Presentation
Collage Workshop _ Example Lesson Plan
Collage Workshop _ Example Quiz
Collage Workshop _ Example Data Sheet
Collage Workshop _ Example Activity
Collage Workshop _ Example Collage Material 1
Collage Workshop _ Example Collage Material 2
Collage Workshop _ Example Collage Material 3
Collage Workshop _ Collage Instructions
Brunswick Centre
Barbican Centre
Institute of Education
Southbank Centre
Whittington Estate
Authorities and Institutes

Historic England
Historic England is the public body that helps people care for, enjoy and celebrate England’s spectacular historic environment.

Royal Institute of British Architects
You can find architecture exhibitions and displays throughout the year, as well as creative workshops, courses and events based around their diverse architectural collections which are also available to explore online through stories about our items and RIBApix, their online image platform.
Professional Resources and Connections
Architecture Education Specialists

Urban Learners
Urban Learners provide young people and children, from all backgrounds, with a platform to contribute to their city through creative and aspirational learning experiences. We are passionate about this, and especially working with young people and children from ‘non-traditional’ backgrounds who often don’t have the same access to creative activities as their peers.

HomeGrown +
Homegrown Plus is dedicated to improving diversity within architecture and the creative industries.

Thornton Education Trust
Empowering the next generation to have a voice – through a ‘community of practice’
Young people have a vested interest in their own neighbourhoods, yet are often not part of the long-term engagement process. To ensure that young people’s voices are heard, it is essential to create opportunities for them to engage in the design process.

The Grimshaw Foundation
Connecting young people to the world of art and architecture
“We want to enable young people to experience the art of making and the making of art, and introduce more opportunities and different career paths – opening up the world of creative industries.”
Community and Public Organisations

Acland Burghley School
A rich, empowering curriculum, which drives high standards of literacy, and unleashes students’ creativity
A strong focus on inclusion and equalities, with high standards for all learners. Emphasis on personal development, to foster a culture of kindness and respect, and teach children skills to navigate the complexities of modern life. A place at the heart of our local community, to deliver education in close partnership with others and our local family of schools. A sustainable, healthy and happy school with a bright future, and fully reflective of the community we are so proud to serve

Camden People’s Museum
An ever-growing digital collection of art, history and community celebrating the culture of Camden

Camden History Society
You can look up all the aspects of Camden’s history that the Society has written about over the last 50 years in this index of articles from our annual Camden History Review and bimonthly Camden History Society Newsletter.